Projektübung (Studio 2) • Building a Palimpsest

Sommersemester 2019
Projektübung (Studio 2)
Irene Pérez · Jaume Mayol ·
Andreas Lechner
Typology: Hybrid

Guest professors Irene Pérez and Jaume Mayol of critically acclaimed TEd’A arquitectes will be leading this semester’s design studio 2.

The design task will explore ways of converting the old military barracks of Son Busquets in Palma de Mallorca into an urban quarter.
Maintaining and reusing most of the existing structures, by adding 800 new apartments the studio will confront the existing urban plan with new thresholds between
future communal and private programmes. The studio will produce an architectural palimpsest that draws upon collage as a means to both integrate the processes
of reconsidering found typologies (uses, structures, materials or building processes) and to produce a narrative of a complex and ambivalent – new and not new – identity for this urban quarter.


Programmvorstellung: Montag, 04.03.2019, 14:00 Uhr

Kursanmeldung: Dienstag, 05.03.2019, 14:00 Uhr


Gebundene Wahlfächer:


147.812 Gebäudeorganisation als architektonische Praxis

147.811 Angewandte Methoden im architektonischen Entwerfen


Foto: Helmut Tezak · Archi Gschnas · AZ3 · Graz · 1982